An AI model to help with legal advice? that’s what happens in the 21st century. in this article we detail and I am out of that can help with legal problems as well as potential other societal uses of AI the article is linked here.
The article first gets into the problem and cites a case study of a nonprofit organization that gives free legal advice but is getting too much demand to keep up and it presents the solution of using machine learning to help with this. it then generalizes this by saying 21st century technology can help solve societal issues at the local National and global scale. It states that the UN as well as on track to have sustainable development goals by 2030 and data science can help play a role in this as well. Daniel gets into examples such as reducing air pollution in London improving ambulance routes and providing personalized job recommendations. these are just some of the many ways that AI can help solve our 21st-century issues. that article then finishes off by hammering this point saying that AI has great potential in this ever-connected world.
I really like this article as it delved deep into the sidel aspect of AI not just the technical aspect. I really like the case studies mentioned and the number of them not just focusing on one point such as legal issues but also generalizing the other points such as air pollution sustainability ambulance routes. not only that but the article also looped in some actual goals of massive organization such as the UN and how AI can help play a role in that which is really helpful in contextualizing the entire movement. so overall I really like this article.
All in all, you should definitely give this article a read it was a really good article. I thoroughly enjoyed its content as well as its variety of case studies and contextualizing all that within real-world goals by actual organizations. you should definitely give the article a read if you have time and it’s linked here.